$ 3.75 GREECE - Marathon - the lush breezes of the Mediterranean seem to flavor this Hellenic lager, 4.7% abv
25 GUATEMALA - Famosa - it must be really good, it's been famous since 1890 - smooth, bright and easy sipping, 5% abv
3.25 " Rio Claro - premium lager brewed with water from the same artesian well since 1906, 4.1% abv
75 HOLLAND - Grolsch - the Dutch have enjoyed this premium unfiltered lager with a clean, elegant style
since the 17th century, in the familiar green glass swing-top bottles 473 ml, 5% abv
3.25 " Heineken - winning awards for over 100 years, the quintessential Dutch lager, est. 1873, 5% abv
25 " Heineken Special Dark - brewed with premium tural ingredients, another perennial winner, 5% abv
75 " Tilburg's Dutch Brown Ale - a gem from the Netherlands, smooth and mellow at 5% abv
3.50 HONDURAS - Port Royal - another classic example emulating the world's most popular style - pale lager, 4.8% abv
3.75 INDIA - Kingfisher - India's #1 premium lager, brewed in NY under supersvision of UBL, Bangalore, 4.8% abv
75 " Maharaja - an award-winning premium pilsner and the preferred drink of the Raj of mpur, 5% abv
4.25 IRELAND - Curim - soft hops and fresh-mown wheat palate make this a good Celtic-inspired session beer 4.3%abv
3.50 " Guinness Extra Stout Draught - the head foams as it's instantly "drafted" when opened, 4.2% abv
4.25 " Guinness Foreign Extra Stout - a global favorite, a malty, dense dark brew since 1759, 7.5% abv
50 " Harp - a healthy, smooth lager created in Dundalk, Cadian brewed with all tural ingredients 5% abv
3.50 ITALY - Moretti - one of the best beers from Chianti land, tasteful and not overpowering, since 1859, 4.6%abv
3.75 " Moretti Rosso - a strong, richly flavored, dark reddish brew for the robust paisano. 7.2% abv
3.50 " Peroni - a leader in the Italian beer market for over a century, premium gold lager since 1846, 5.1% abv
4.50 JAMAICA - Jamaica Stout - a straight ahead dark brew from Kingston's Big City brewery; tty dread, 7.6% abv
3.25 " Red Stripe - this refreshing Island lager has been taming the heat in the subtropics since 1927, 4.7% abv
5.75 JAPAN- Asahi Super Dry draft beer is Japan #1 seller, satin smooth, clean and crisp, 21.4 oz. (633ml) 5% abv
75 " Hitachino White Ale - a succinct, Belgian style bottle-conditioned brew from the owl's nest, 5% abv
75 " Hitachino Weizen - a highly regarded bottle-conditioned wheat beer with delicate nuances 5% abv
25 " Sapporo - ceramic cold-filtered draft from the land of the dragon, very smooth and flavorful, 5% abv
50 LEBANON - Almaza - a pleasing pilsner from the Middle East - light and easy drinkability, since 1933
3.25 MEXICO - Corona - one of the most popular lighter beers from Mexico - smooth and refreshing, 4.6% abv
3.75 " Cucapá Chupacabras Pale Ale - anything but pale, this dark amber microbrew is a brute, 5.8% abv
3.25 " Dos Equis Amber - rich toasted essence - a top notch beer that won't fade with hot sauce, 4.5% abv
50 NEW ZEALAND - Steinlager - a lovely, lazy pour from down under that will fill up your stein with lager
75 PHILIPPINES - Red Horse - a full-flavored premium malt liquor, not for the greenhorn wrangler - giddyup! 7% abv
50 " San Miguel - a lovely lager that has all the charm of its mesake Islands, 5% abv
50 " San Miguel Dark - same drinkability as the lager, with a more roasted malt flavor, 5% abv
25 POLAND - Okocim - this beer is more than OK, but is know by that moniker as it is easy to pronounce
4.25 " Perla Chmielowa - a smooth, premium Pilsner brewed in Lubelskie since 1846, 500 ml, 6.2% abv
3.25 " Tyskie - award winning premium lager with well balanced flavor, from a centuries-old recipe, 5.6% abv
3.75 " Zywiec (Zee' vitch) - a prizewinning Pilsner using tural ingredients in a traditiol recipe, 5.6%abv
4.50 RUSSIA - Baltika Extra Lager #9 - a pleasing and powerful lagered Pilsner from St. Petersburg, 500ml 8% abv
50 " Baltika Porter #6 - a smooth, premier porter with a mocha-java/imperial stout finish, 500ml, 7% abv
4.75 SCOTLAND - 5 A.M. Saint - for true amber ale lovers, this iconoclast is not your typical corporate brew, 5% abV
4.75 " Innis & Gunn oak aged beer, the original honey-hued brew with hints of vanilla and toffee, 6.6% abv
4.75 " Innis & Gunn Rum Cask aged beer adds a little spiciness to the original with great success, 7.4% abv
5.25 " Fraoch Heather Ale - this outstanding, unique and legendary concoction goes back to 2000 b.c.
The secret recipe, protected by Kings and lost for many years, justifies repeated sampling. 5% abv
25 " Grozet Gooseberry Ale - an alewives brew from the 16th century using wild tural spices and
gooseberries, immortalized as a "most convivial drink" by the literati of the 19th century, 5% abv
75 " Merlin's Ale - no eye of newt in this ESB, but the unique flavor of the water from Merlin's realm
in the rolling hills of the Scottish Border region casts a magical spell upon the tongue, 500ml, 4.2% abv
75 " Old Engine Oil - a wickedly rich, creamy black ale with hoppy bitterness, from Harviestoun, 6% abv
5.75 " Skullsplitter - an intense Orkney Island Ale, as strong as the Viking it was med for, 8.5% abv
6.75 " Traquair House - a renowned strong Scotch ale from the oldest inhabited house in Scotland, 7.2% abv
75 " Traquair Jacobite - a dense, dark brown wee heavy, silky and full bodied with caramel notes 8% abv
25 " Wee Heavy - and a wee thick - richly malted, lightly hopped, savory Scottish nourishment, .5L, 6.5%abv